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Tennis Rules

2019 Tennis League Rules

HRA-O Recreation Center


    1. Players may furnish their own equipment or  borrow the Rec. Centers (4 rackets and several tennis balls available)
    2. The captains are responsible for reporting their scores to the Recreation Center after each game.


    1. Before starting, the captains shall toss a coin or play rock, paper, scissors. The winner shall have the option of serving, receiving or choosing side of court.
    1. In tennis, play is started with the serve, made by tossing the ball into the air and hitting it with the racket before it touches the ground.
    2. The serve for the first point of a game always begins to the right of the center mark, made to the opponent's right service box.  Alternate service courtside after each point is played.
    3. The server has 2 attempts to put the ball into play.
    4. The serve is a fault if the server:

                                          i.    Does not take the proper position before serving

                                        ii.    Commits a foot fault (foot touches baseline prior to hitting ball)

                                       iii.    Misses the ball in attempting to strike it (server may toss and catch the ball without penalty)

                                       iv.    Ball is out if it fails to land in the proper service court

1.    If any of these occurs on the first serve, it is a fault

2.    If any of these occurs on both serves, it is a double fault, and the point is lost

    1. The ball must clear the net and land in the proper service box before being hit by the receiver (after the serve, ball may be hit before it bounces).  A ball hitting the line is considered good.

Scoring the game:

    1. The server is responsible for announcing the score before the serve.  The service score is always called first.
    2. A game is equal to four points.  A score of zero is called love.  Scoring in tennis is 15 for the first point won, 30 for the second, 40 for the third, and game for the fourth point.  If the score is deuce (40-40), one team must win by two consecutive points in order to win the game.  If the serving team wins the next point, the score is called ad-in and if they win the following point, it is game.  If the receiving team wins the first point deuce, the score is called ad-out.  If they win the next point, it is their game.  However, after the score is either ad-in or ad-out and the other team wins the next point, the score becomes deuce again.
    3. Teams will play the best of 15 games. The team with more game wins is the overall match winner.
    4. Should teams reach a score of 7 game wins each (7-7) the home team, as listed on the schedule, will serve first in the final game.

    Changing Sides

    1. One player from team A serves a game, then one player from team B. Then second player on A will serve a game, then the second player on B.  Once all four players have served a game, the teams switch sides of the court.  The order of service does not change.

A Let:

    1. A let is a stroke that doesn't  count and must be replayed.  This most commonly happens when a serve touches the net before entering the proper service court.
    2. A let is called when a player is unable to play a shot due to circumstances beyond his/her control, such as interference by a ball or player from another court.
    3. A let occurs if a service is delivered before the receiver is ready.  If however, the receiver attempts to return the service, he/ she is considered ready.
    4. When a let occurs on a service, only that service is repeated.
    5. The ball is in play if it hits the net during the subsequent rally after the service.

Player loses a point:

    1. If the ball bounces twice on their side of the net or if a pair does not return the ball into their opponent's court.
    2. If a player's body, clothing, or racket touch the net while the ball is in play.
    3. If a player reaches over the net to play a ball, unless the ball has bounced back over the net due to spin, or the wind.
    4. If the ball is hit twice on their side of the court.

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